Hope House Foundation

(704) 992-1902

Our mission is to give women facing situational homelessness here in the Huntersville, North Carolina area a hand-up.

Hope House Foundation

(704) 992-1902

Our mission is to give women facing situational homelessness here in the Huntersville, North Carolina area a hand-up.

Hope House Foundation - Products & Services

Community Support, Huntersville, NC

Unfortunately, homelessness is a growing problem here in the Huntersville, North Carolina community. Our team at Hope House Foundation is doing all we can to help vulnerable women in the area and give them a place to go that isn’t out on the streets, but the success of our mission depends on community support. We welcome donations, financial contributions, and volunteer time, and we are grateful for every bit of support that we receive. With the backing of our community, we can help these women get back on their feet.

Our organization provides a range of services designed to help women and their children find temporary housing and help our residents find solutions to their predicaments. The women we work with are facing situational homelessness as a result of difficult circumstances and just need a hand-up—not a hand-out—in order to figure out their next moves and make positive changes for themselves and their children. To give them that assistance, our team proudly works with The Ada Jenkins Center to provide case management, career support, life-skills training, and affordable housing options. With help from local organizations and community support from people like you, our team can help our residents turn their lives around.

If you want to contribute to our cause, there are many things you can do. We appreciate financial donations of any amount, and we are always ready to take on new volunteers. Don’t hesitate to give us a call if you are interested in becoming a part of our community support team.

About Hope House Foundation

Our goal at Hope House Foundation is to help women facing situational homelessness here in Huntersville, North Carolina get back on their feet.

Hope House Foundation

Contact Hope House Foundation

  • Huntersville NC, CA

    (704) 992-1902

    15604 Northcross Drive Huntersville NC 280 78 CA

    Hope House Foundation

    Visit Our Website

    Hours of Operation

    9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

We Service
Huntersville, North Carolina